segunda-feira, 10 de agosto de 2009

[Grécia] Carta de Thodoris Iliopoulos de dentro de uma prisão grega...

Thodoris Iliopoulos é o último preso da Revolta de Dezembro. Foi o único a quem foi negada a liberdade condicional. Está ainda em prisão perventiva enquanto aguarda julgamento.

Dia 9 de Julho o tribunal rejeitou o pedido de liberdade condicional com a justificação de Thodoris ser "uma ameaça para a democracia". No dia seguinte entrou em greve de fome.

Segue a carta:

Wednesday 5 August

On the day that I learned that they would extend my ‘temporary’ imprisonment by six months I took the decision to commence my hunger strike; to fight by the only means I still have, my very own body.

After twenty-seven days my body, now ten kilograms lighter, is either on its way to freedom or the final death, depending on what the scandalous members of the State decide, the very same ones who cover the SIEMENS and Church-property scandals, those who grant freedom to treasure-stealing preasts and deny any responsibility for the persistent attacks against migrants or the murders of workers. The same State that labels “a threat for democracy” and violates the human rights of whomever might express an opinion, demand from it equality, justice, or a better future—the future of our children.

I am one of them.

I am one of those tens of thousands of people with an active consciousness, not a passive citizen. And I do not cover my face.

Thodoris Iliopoulos

From the Augustine sloth of the system


Carta de Thodoris Iliopoulos para a administação da prisão de 6 de Agosto:

From: Thodoris Iliopoulos
To: Prison administration

I inform you that from now I will not accept any new medical examinations by the [prison’s] doctor, since my daily visits to the doctor’s office are mainly a nuisance and cannot predict anything about my health.

I request to be transfered to a hospital.

Korydalos, 6 August 2009

Thodoris Iliopoulos

Imprisoned in Wing A and hunger striker since 10 July [2009]


Sites de interesse:

Petição pela libertação de Thodoris Iliopoulos:

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