Como costuma acontecer nos G8's estão a sair noticias (a conta gotas) dos companheiros da Grecia que dizem que há mão da policia desde ontem à noite nos disturbios, em atenas foram vistos policias à paisana a partir montras e a saquear e em Patras foi visto uma camioneta cheia de policias vestidos como os manifestantes
a policia tb atacou hoje o funeral, enquanto o pessoal estava la dentro do cemiterio eles cercaram e um pequeno grupo foi la dentro fazer provocaçoes, quando estavam a ser postos na rua houve alguns confrontos.. tambem ha noticias que na zona do cemiterio a policia ameaçou um grupo de putos de 12 anos ao fazerem gestos com a mão a simular uma pistola e a perguntarem "onde estás Alexis?"
#6 Updates from Athens and Patras 9:07 pm
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
CONFIRMED: The anarchist block was attacked and chased by riot police and fascists.
UNCONFIRMED: It is rumored that the fascists were transported from Athens and given tear gas.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
CONFIRMED: The anarchist block was attacked and chased by riot police and fascists.
UNCONFIRMED: It is rumored that the fascists were transported from Athens and given tear gas.
portanto, os fascistas meteram-se ao barulho e poderão ter sido ajudados pela policia como já aconteceu em manifs no passado na Grecia... poderá ser uma tactica para desocupar as universidades já que a bofia nao pode lá entrar.
A reporter from a radio station in Greece is shocked when he sees two students (one boy one girl) on the ground being stepped, kicked, punched and drugged by the police. He stops actually and yells to the police to stop the cruelty. Occasionally he returns to mic and describes what is going on, but for people who understand Greek what is being heard is shocking. The boy under arrest had passed out and a whole square with random people (not protesters) was yelling against the police to stop. But no luck. The scene goes on for some time, unfortunately i can't translate everything.
A reporter from a radio station in Greece is shocked when he sees two students (one boy one girl) on the ground being stepped, kicked, punched and drugged by the police. He stops actually and yells to the police to stop the cruelty. Occasionally he returns to mic and describes what is going on, but for people who understand Greek what is being heard is shocking. The boy under arrest had passed out and a whole square with random people (not protesters) was yelling against the police to stop. But no luck. The scene goes on for some time, unfortunately i can't translate everything.
de Indymedia
há tambem rumores não confirmados de que um manifestante foi esfaqueado por fascistas em Patras, nessa cidade o proprio presidente da camara confirmou que estão numeros surprendentemente grandes de fascistas que deverão ter sido trazidos de Atenas
Retirado de: Movimento Antifascista Português
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