quarta-feira, 31 de dezembro de 2008
Notícias da Grécia
Aqui fica um manifesto publicado pelos anarquistas e revolucionários em geral, "World Revolution Manifesto":
Planet Earth
December 27, 2008
A. The state of corporatism that we live in
The planet is under a state of siege from corporations. The people who own them (i.e. this neurotic, criminal minority) use tools such as the States in order to increase their monetary income to the maximum, to meet their desire for total authority and to maintain the postmodern industrial production apparatus called Planet Earth.
There is no doubt that it is the banks controlling the States (and not the other way round) since, as we passively observe at this moment, the masks in the birthplace state of capitalism have fallen: the US government supports the panicked moves of this Corporatist regime and prepares its army for a “possible social unrest in the face of an upcoming crisis”.
In turn, states hold the people in a divided and idle state so that they will compete with one another instead of rising up against the obvious enemy of humanity. Those in authority bring up individuals teaching them their differences to the person next to them; implanting them “values” such as the nation, gender, success, consumption, health, beauty and sanity of mind. These produce behaviours observed globally and are, more or less, known to us all: nationalism, racism, consumerism, sexism, ableism, ageism and lookism.
States would have been unable to mark our bodies with such rotten scars if it wasn’t for the Cops, the Medical Regime, the Educational Regime, the Establishment Media, Religions and Bureaucracy in all its forms.
Humans end up beings with a hyper-emphasised “ego” since they are a unique amalgan of heterogeneous identities. Proletarian and muslim. Respectable housewife and lesbian. Student and depressed. Sexist and communist. Successful yuppie and sensitive in ecological issues. Woman and nationalist. Shattered in thousands of small pieces, which prevent them from seeing who it is that enforces their repressed class status. Most importantly, they prevent them from understanding themselves as something more collective, such as the globalised neo-proletariat: all the humans of the planet, that is, who experience daily everything from the darkness and depression to the abjection and non-voluntary death. A proletariat of this type that, numerically only, prevails.
The plenitude of constructed identities creates a condition of “cultural war” in each of the planet’s societies (as well as trans-nationally) where identities compete with one another, often in favour of the Regime, as this will lead its respectable citizens to demand even tighter security.
The dictatorship of the Corporatist Bourgeois Democracy makes sure to repress all and any spontaneous resistance to the power: it sucks social nuclei of resistance into political parties, trade unions and other political formations that reek of death. It does not hesitate, only too often, to “democratise” locales of the planet, to repress liberating movements and to deny the right to self-determination (the US in Iraq; Israel in Palestine; Greece in Macedonia).
It does not hesitate to destroy the nature of Earth, exterminating whole eco-systems, altering the environment and disrupting our bodies with the quality of food we receive. All in the name of progress, science and civilisation.
The civilised world is an amalgam of all these authoritarian patterns which, over time, have convinced us of having a quality of life without which (ironically) humans lived much better in the past.
The rise of population and of the average life expectancy, with the blessings of the Medical Regime, simply increases the number of the waged slaves, shrinking, at the same time, the quality of their life to the absolute minimum.
Life in the city has distanced humans from the experience of living, observing and learning from natural phenomena; it has destroyed the experience of the physical space and has made them vulnerable in the face of experience that used to be commonplace (physical labour, outdoors survival etc).
B. The World Revolution must be against civilisation
- The catalyst of our organising is the world wide web: We call all the disgruntled and revolted to get their own voice on the web, either by sending contributions to counter-information media or setting up their own blogs, creating collective discussion boards or hacking established and capitalist websites.
- We call all workers around the world to discuss about self-organising in their workspaces and to make proposals in regard to exiting trade unions. We call them to occupy the places of production and to manage their units horizontally, in a self-organised manner, under the guidance of consensus.
- We call all high school and university students to occupy their buildings, shoving aside all political party henchmen; to co-form with tons of imagination and humour, ideas on theory and practice! To turn these buildings into nuclei of anarchist life and social outreach.
- We call all who have lived under the burden of Clinical Depression to come together, to reject the chemicals of the pharmaceutical corporations and to co-shape ideas for the destruction of the civilisation that slashed our brains.
- We call all migrants to join together their rage for the way in which the Establishment turned them into people without a place and to destroy the civilisation that alienated them.
- We call all scientists to resign from the Science Regime and to investigate autonomously and collectively how autonomous and inexhaustible energies can be provided – such as solar, wind and geothermal.
- We call all the people who have forgotten that the revolution can happen, to expropriate immediately all that belongs to them and to sabotage, to the maximum extent possible, the production line. We can hold – and it’s worth it!
- We call all bourgeois artists to stop wasting their imagination in bourgeois creations and to join in our struggle, pouring their imagination into the shaping of the World Revolution!
- We call all farmers and agricultural producers to collectivise their production and to stop over-producing for capital. To teach their co-humans techniques on how to live autonomously by farming.
- Meat production must seize immediately and all animals should be freed! Meat is murder!
We call all anarchists, communists and libertarians to not cease their actions of revolt and to continue with the counter-information, which is so important.
Sabotaging or self-organising the process of production, creating autonomous food production, expropriating existing supplies, creating autonomous zones in cities and planning for autonomous forms of energy, we can render money obsolete. We can create pockets of anarchist culture which, thanks to their existence, counter-information and the world wide web, will spread like the hot wind of freedom.
Any attempts by the states to stop us will be met with the revolted; the revolted of poverty, depression and exclusion. We’ll take time in our hands!
Let Athens’ December revolt become an organisational inspiration for revolutionaries across the world.
Humans of the world, unite!
For anarchy and libertarian communism!
For freedom!
For the absolute!
Long live World Revolution!
terça-feira, 23 de dezembro de 2008
#34, 13:32: Polytechnic raid scenario weakens; police resort to dictatorship-style surveillance; shots against riot police van; student demo set to st
UPDATE, 19:41 Mainstream media now report that the riot police van in Goudi received 7 shots, not 2. A group calling itself “Popular Action” (Λαϊκή Δράση) has claimed responsibility for the attack. The student demonstration in central Athens ended an hour ago. There was a very good turnover and the demo was relatively peaceful, though one police car was flipped over.
After a quiet night at the Athens Polytechnic last night, mainstream media (which, more often than not, prepare the ground for police operations) are now reporting that a police raid of the polytechnic is unlikely. The people occupying the building have succesfully defended their right to decide themselves when to leave - this will happen at today’s open assembly (6pm).
Reports are coming in, both on indymedia and the occupations’ open assemblies, that the police have been approaching taxi drivers asking them to pass on information about their passengers (just like they would do during the 1967-1974 dictatorship). In one instance a woman who hailed a cab outside the occupied Economics University and asked to be taken to a northern suburb of Athens was driven straight to the police headquarters. Luckily she realised what was going on a block away from the police building and managed to jump out of the taxi’s window and escape, chased both by the taxi driver and the police.
Meanwhile, mainstream media also report a riot police van was shot at twice at 05:50 am in the Goudi suburb of Athens, next to the university campus in Zografou; one bullet hit the van’s tyre and the other hit the engine.
The last student demonstration for this year is set to start in a few minutes. There has already been a call for a fresh student demo on January 9th and it is expected that demonstrations will continue apace in the new year.
It is also expected that the anarchist occupations of the three universities (Economics, Polytechnic and Law school) will all end later this week, as fatigue is seriously kicking in at these unprecedented 17-days long occupations. Actions will, of course, continue - the biggest bet right now is to expand the revolt and unrest in time and people are focusing their plans on this. We should have a better idea of where things will go after this week’s assemblies.
#33, 09:19: Last night calm at the Polytechnic, solidarity gig tonight
UPDATE, 23.59 All is quiet at the polytechnic - as quiet as they can be here. No cops in sight. Speakers are blasting ‘guns of brixton’.
UPDATE, 17:36 Amidst wild speculation about the possible moves of the police (most rumours, if not all, clearly spread to create fear), people in solidarity have started gathering at the occupied grounds of the Athens Polytechnic. The prisoner solidarity gig at 6pm will be followed by an open assembly: This, and this only, will decide whether (and when) we shall leave the university.
Heading to the university right now - information from the polytechnic will be limited. Will definitely send out an update if the polytechnic is being raided though.
Last night was calm at the Polytechnic. As mainstream media report, the academic asylum at the campus has already been suspended - which means it is now entirely up to the police to decide if they will raid. Until recently, it used to be that the law, preventing the police and army from entering university grounds, could only be suspended after an explicit decision of the university senate. However, according to a voted amendment, an attorney general can also order its suspension should there be fellonies commited in the university grounds and within 48 hours since this happens. Given that the most recent clashes with the police took place on Saturday night (molotovs thrown against them: a fellony) they have until tonight to attempt to raid the university, if they so decide.
The decision taken by the occupation’s assembly is politically spot-on: the crucial point here is for the people occupying the building, not the police, to decide when to leave.
Meanwhile, the occupied GSEE (trade union) building was handed back to the GSEE yesterday, following a decision by the occupation’s assembly.
The revenge of normality shall not pass, neither at the Polytechnic nor anywhere else!
(Statement by the Occupied Athens Polytechnic, issued a few moments ago)
From Saturday 20th of December onward, following the clashes around the Athens Polytechnic (one of the tens of mass clashes between protestors and police that followed the assassination of 15-year old Alexandros Grigoropoulos) there has been strong speculation surrounding the occupation of the Athens Polytechnic.
Continuous information that has been coming in regarding a possible police raid in the occupied Polytechnic, combined with the strategic maneuvering of the riot police during the clashes, foretold the obvious: The police are preparing to raid the occupied university. Bypassing the senate, surrendering the Polytechnic to the police and the ministry of interior, the attorney general sent us an indirect yet clear message, with threats and blackmailing, that we have “a few hours” left.
We reply to them that the time we’ve got left is as much as the revolted part of the society decides and that we accept no ultimatums in this. That they’d better respect and fear all who participated, participate and will continue to participate in practices of revolt. It is precisely those, the thousands of revolted, of students, workers, unemployed, migrants and comrades that we call to a high alert at the space of the Polytechnic, ahead of the coming raid.
- We call everyone to a mass presence at the Athens Polytechnic campus
- We call for an open assembly today, Sunday 21/12 at 9pm
- We call for self-guarded concert of solidarity and financial support for the prisoners of the revolt. 6pm at the Athens Polytechnic
We shall have the last word
These days and nights belong to Alexis
Athens Polytechnic Occupation
domingo, 21 de dezembro de 2008
Ocupação do Politecnico ameaçada!
A few moments ago one of the pro-vice-chancellors of the Athens Polytechnic announced to the people inside the occupied building that the control of the building is no longer with the university senate and that it has been passed on to an attorney general instead. Anarchist radio 98 FM reports that the senate has ordered the university guards to leave their positions.
There is a general assembly happening right now at the Athens Polytechnic, with people deciding whether they should leave the building or not.
What the pro-vice-chancellor claimed to have happened is absurd and 100% illegal even by the state’s own laws. What we are all fearing is that a police operation inside the Polytechnic is imminent. This would be the first time in over a decade that such an operation takes place - and the first time ever that police enter university grounds with a mass operation without prior permission by the senate.
http://www.occupiedlondon.org/blog/2008 ... omment-770
sábado, 20 de dezembro de 2008
[Lisboa] Manifestação de Solidariedade com a Revolta Grega
Decorreu hoje em Lisboa uma manifestação de solidariedade com os companheiros gregos e em memória de todos os que sucumbiram às mãos do terrorismo de estado...
Apareceu um número bastante razoável de pessoas na Praça da Figueira e a manifestação propriamente dita surgiu de uma forma algo espontânea, visto que pelo menos o que vinha na convocatória era apenas uma concentração.
Os jornalistas marcaram fortemente a sua presença, sendo muitas vezes bastante incomodativos o que levou bastante gente a tapar a cara devido à já célebre insistência em tirar fotos aos manifestantes.
Falando de jornalistas, só um pequeno reparo, estão de parabéns pois conseguiram fazer com que a questão da Grécia passasse completamente ao lado da população pois durante o percurso as pessoas olhavam para nós com um ar bastante surpreendido... Viam-nos como simples apoiantes de um grupo de vândalos que anda a partir as dependências do BCP e mais meia dúzia de lojas...
Enfim, já estamos habituados a isto...
Quanto à manifestação propriamente dita, saiu da Praça da Figueira perto das 16 horas e supostamente deveria seguir para a Praça Camões no Chiado (o percurso ia sendo decidido na hora), mas a uma certa altura parecia que a polícia estava a cortar o trânsito para fazer o que todos sabemos muito bem... Foi a altura mais tensa pois parecia mesmo eminente uma carga policial!
Decidimos alterar o percurso e fomos em direcção ao Terreiro do Paço. Chegados à praça, as faixas foram estendidas na estátua central e por lá ficaram. Só nessa altura vimos a polícia de intervenção mas a manifestação já estava a dispersar.
quinta-feira, 18 de dezembro de 2008
[Grécia] Update de hoje
Estava com um grupo de estudantes perto da sua escola em Peristeri quando foi disparado um tiro que o feriu!!! Não se sabe se foi polícia ou fascistas... Quando os seu colegas voltaram ao local para apanhar o cartucho foi disparado outro tiro, que não acertou em ninguém desta vez...
De resto a manifestação de estudantes foi (mais uma vez) violentamente reprimida!!! A polícia está a usar um tipo de gás mais forte.
Segundo os relatos, durante a manif uma carrinha de transporte de dinheiro que passava foi incendiada.
Também houve um grupo que invadiu uma igreja e que a cada disparo de gás tocava os sinos.
Os meios de comunicação continuam a ser ocupados por todo o país: A radio municipal de Tripoli, o canal de TV Nea Tileorasi em Chania, e as rádios Star FM e Imagine 897 FM em Thessaloniki foram todos ocupados!
Em protesto com os líderes sindicais foi ocupado mais um edifício sindical, desta vez em Patras. Os ocupantes exigem uma greve geral de tempo indefinido!
quarta-feira, 17 de dezembro de 2008
Dia de acção internacional - Uma concentração de solidariedade com o movimento social grego

Sábado 20 de Dezembro, 15h00 concentração de solidariedade com o movimento social grego. Praça da Figueira, Lisboa
O movimento social na Grécia protesta contra a violência que a polícia exerce sobre os cidadãos, cujo caso mais recente foi o assassinato de um jovem de 15 anos. Mas os protestos são também contra as crescentes desigualdades sociais.
#25, 17:50: bureaucrats attack the occupation of the workers confederation but are driven away; rioting erupts in Patras
50 bureaucrats came along to the building of the insurgent workers. They came together with some “heavies” but disappeared in the sight of anarchist reinforcements from the Economic university, chanting slogans of solidarity.
In Patras, the lawyer of the assassin cop is holding a press conference in the Pampeloponisiako football ground, having just purchased the local football club. Around 500 people are gathered outside; the have set fire to binds and erected barricades. The first few tear gas canisters are being thrown by the cops.
More to follow.
#24, 15:18: General confederation of workers building occupied; Acropolis “solidarity” banner hanged; government calls TV occupation “attempt to overt
At 8 am today the building of GSEE (General Confederation of Workers in Greece) was occupied by insurgent workers, according to their own statement. An open workers assembly has been called for 6pm.
Huge banners were hanged in front of the Acropolis, calling for tomorrow’s mass demonstration…

#23: Riot police headquarters attacked; state TV station occupied; anarcho-transportation actions continue
Yet another “anarcho-transportation” action took place on Tuesday. These actions, aiming at permanently disrupting the circle of “production-circulation-consumption” have been a huge sucess. Today, when people showed up at the Victoria Station of the Athens metro, passengers were largely receptive to our slogans (”the self-organising of the passengers will mean the end of the ticket inspectors”). The vending machines were glued; all cctv in the station was blocked off.
The riot police headquarters in Zografou, Athens were attacked earlier today, with one riot police van and a few cars burnt.
Indymedia reports that the state-run TV station NET was occupied for a few minutes: Students were shown holding a banner reading “STOP WATCHING - EVERYONE TO THE STREETS!”
Planed for today: a meeting of the residents of Eksarhia outside the local police station, demanding that the cops leave the neighbourhood. Meetings &anti-police demonstrations in the neighbourhods of Brahami, Sepolia, Petralona, Nea Ionia and Dafni.
terça-feira, 16 de dezembro de 2008
Anarquista chileno é assassinado!

Juan Cruz: vítima do jogo sujo dos aparatos repressivos na zona Mapuche Chilena
Em memória de nosso irmão:
O companheiro Juan Cruz, jovem anarquista de 28 anos, faz vários meses que junto a sua namorada solidarizava-se ativamente com a luta empreendida pelos comuneiros da zona autônoma de Temucuicui. Hoje de madrugada, foi assassinado em conseqüência de um covarde disparo na nuca e até o momento a "justiça" não deu conta de identificar os culpados; na imprensa do capital, inclusive, chegaram a afirmar que havia sido morto em uma simples briga depois de uma "festa".
A verdade é que já faz vários dias que a Comunidade Autônoma de Temucuicui tem sido recorrentemente atacada por outros Mapuche portando armas de fogo. Juan, depois de participar no centro de Santiago, na terça-feira passada, de uma manifestação em apoio a seus irmãos e irmãs, decidiu viajar pela noite a Temucuicui devido a que sua companheira havia sido agredida junto a outras mulheres da comunidade (entre elas a esposa do preso político Jaime Huenchullán) e ameaçada de morte por MIJAIL CARBONE QUEIPUL: essa foi a última vez que tivemos contato com nosso companheiro Juan.
O Estado e suas forças repressivas apesar dos brutais enfrentamentos (que no ano passado eram mensais), do amedrontamento constante, da prisão e da delação, não haviam conseguido frear o processo de recuperação de terras levado adiante dignamente pelas e pelos comuneiros da Comunidade Autônoma de Temucuicui, o que se tornou patente na necessidade de mudar de estratégia: utilizar os Mapuche "institucionalizados" para fazer o trabalho sujo, dedicando-se somente a contemplar tranquilamente como uma parte deste povo assassina a outra que luta. JUAN CATRILLANCA, MIJAIL CARBONE QUEIPUL e o resto de mercenários da "Comunidade" Ignacio Queipul, foram às marionetes dos interesses da CONADI, do Estado Chileno e dos grandes latifundiários em uma das zonas mais intensas do conflito Mapuche. As ameaças de morte, os espancamentos, os ataques armados se repetiram por toda a semana, ainda que a polícia se faça de cega e quando se decidia atuar fazia em favor dos agressores. Não é difícil deduzir quem apertou o gatilho que assassinou o nosso irmão, os antecedentes estão à mão e a conclusão é evidente.
A situação em Temucuicui se tornou insustentável, pelo que nossa ativa solidariedade se faz necessária hoje mais que nunca, já que este conflito criado pelo Estado e o Capital pode piorar ainda mais. De nós depende que isto não ocorra.
O caixão será levado amanhã pelas 5h da tarde desde seu lugar na casa okupa "Los Carolinos" para ser velado toda a noite e deste lugar ir rumo ao cemitério El Prado de La Florida, onde será sepultado às 10h da manhã, desta quarta-feira.
Espera-se uma massiva despedida ao nosso compa Juan Cruz. Por que a luta continua e nada, nem ninguém, será esquecido!
Tradução > Juvei
agência de notícias anarquistas-ana
Breve serei pó
e, então, quando me pisares,
cobrirei teus pés.
Evandro Moreira

A tarde do 14 de maio do ano 2006 alçou-se em Madrid um movimento espontâneo convocado por sms e Internet ( para queixar-se pela dificultade em ter acesso a uma vivenda digna) que hoje em día ainda segue em pé. Tanto então quanto agora estas assentadas não tenhen nenhuma sigla , nenhum grupo, conjunto ou partido político. Vista a boa acolhida e a participação que houve desde a primeira assentada, as autoridades preocuparon-se muito, ja que se enfrentaban a um grave problema: a gente pé-no-chão começaba a sentir-se identificada com um movimento desorganizado, o qual corría o risco de organizar-se e aumentar em número, pondo em xeque ao governo com suas demandas. Assim que a delegacia mandou várias centenas de antidistúrbios, com ordens de dissolver quanto antes a manifestação, para o qual não duvidaram em utilizar a violência impunemente.
Como conseqüência se produziram um total de 21 detençãos arbitrárias com acusaçãos de atentado contra um agente de polícia, desordem público, desobediência, resistência grave a autoridade... por isto eles enfrentam penas de até sete anos de prisão. Ademais de injustificadas, estas acusaçãos estão cheias de contradiçãos e irregularidades, como polícias que apresentabam laudo médico de lesãos depois de destroçar os nós dos dedos contra a cara dos detidos... Estas pessoas sofreram dano tanto físico quanto moral durante todas as horas que durou a sua detenção, ocasionado pelos antidistúrbios, pela brigada de informação, guarda civil, pessoal funcionário de prisãos, assistentes a detidos, juiz... Gritos, insultos, vexaçãos, tortura, perda de dignidade... a isto é ao que se enfrenta qualquer pessoa, seja inocente ou não, quando cai nas garras do Estado, algo que a sociedade não vê ou não quere ver. Todo isto em uns calabouços onde as condiçãos higiênicas eram humilhantes até limites insuspeitados, onde o médico o qual lhe reconhecía as feridas nem sequer lhe tocava... depois que passaram horas sem comer e sem dormir, e com a proibição de falar ou rir ou perguntar nada, nem sequer a hora. Tratados como terroristas e trasladados como terroristas, inclusive chegou-se a roubar os seus pertences.
É habitual que passem estas coisas como o que passou nestas assentadas. Brutal e injustificada repressão, e medidas muito duras contra as pessoas detidas. Os meios de comunicaçao não informam sobre este feito, criminaliza-se a estas pessoas e são detidas. Todo isto e muito preocupante, ja que está escondido sob um pluralismo o qual e só fachada e um governo supostamente progressista a favor dos direitos da juventude e da política social.
A especulação e a corrupção são produto da ofensiva capitalista, que no estado espanhol significa entre outras coisas a negação de uma necessidade básica como é a necessidade de viver com dignidade.
ÚLTIMA HORA!! A promotoria acusou aos nossos companheirxs detidxs na 2ª assentada por uma vivenda digna (xs únicxs que ainda seguem pendentes de juízo e que poderiam ir a prisão até 5 e 6 anos)
Podeis olhar a acusação na nossa página web: www.detenidosporunavivienda.org.
Agora mais que nunca pedimos a sua ABSOLVIÇAO!!!
Mais informação em:
#23, 15:42: Riot police headquarters attacked; state TV station occupied;
The riot police headquarters in Zografou, Athens were attacked earlier today, with one riot police van and a few cars burnt.
Indymedia reports that the state-run TV station NET was occupied for a few minutes: Students were shown holding a banner reading “STOP WATCHING - EVERYONE TO THE STREETS!”
Planed for today: a meeting of the residents of Eksarhia outside the local police station, demanding that the cops leave the neighbourhood. Meetings &anti-police demonstrations in the neighbourhods of Brahami, Sepolia, Petralona, Nea Ionia and Dafni.
“The State murders. Your silence arms them. Occupations in all public buildings, now. Occupation of the Town Hall of Agios Dimitrios”
“These days are ours, too”
(The following text was distributed at the student picket outside the police headquarters today by people from Athens’ Haunt of Albanian Migrants. I wanted to translate and upload it here because it shows something very important: that ties of solidarity are being formed and strengthened across different sectors of the Greek society - a wonderful thing!)
These days are ours, too
Following the assassination of Alexis Grigoropoulos we have been living in an unprecedented condition of turmoil, an outflow of rage that doesn’t seem to end. Leading this uprising, it seems, are the students - who with an inexhaustible passion and hearty spontaneity have reversed the whole situation. You cannot stop something you don’t control, something that is organised spontaneously and under terms you do not comprehend. This is the beauty of the uprising. The high school students are making history and leave it to the others to write it up and to classify it ideologically. The streets, the incentive, the passion belongs to them.
In the framework of this wider mobilisation, with the student demonstrations being its steam-engine, there is a mass participation of the second generation of migrants and many refugees also. The refugees come to the streets in small numbers, with limited organisation, with the spontaneity and impetus describing their mobilisation. Right now, they are the most militant part of the foreigners living in Greece. Either way, they have very little to lose.
The children of migrants mobilise en mass and dynamically, primarily through high school and university actions as well as through the organisations of the left and the far left. They are the most integrated part of the migrant community, the most courageous. They are unlike their parents, who came with their head bowed, as if they were beging for a loaf of bread. They are a part of the Greek society, since they’ve lived in no other. They do not beg for something, they demand to be equal with their Greek classmates. Equal in rights, on the streets, in dreaming.
For us, the politically organised migrants, this is a second french November of 2005. We never had any illusions that when the peoples’ rage overflew we would be able to direct it in any way. Despite the struggles we have taken on during all these years we never managed to achieve such a mass response like this one. Now is time for the street to talk: The deafening scream heard is for the 18 years of violence, repression, exploitation and humiliation. These days are ours, too.
These days are for the hundreds of migrants and refugees who were murdered at the borders, in police stations, workplaces. They are for those murdered by cops or “concerned citizens.” They are for those murdered for daring to cross the border, working to death, for not bowing their head, or for nothing. They are for Gramos Palusi, Luan Bertelina, Edison Yahai, Tony Onuoha, Abdurahim Edriz, Modaser Mohamed Ashtraf and so many others that we haven’t forgotten.
These days are for the everyday police violence that remains unpunished and unanswered. They are for the humiliations at the border and at the migrant detention centres, which continue to date. They are for the crying injustice of the Greek courts, the migrants and refugees unjustly in prison, the justice we are denied. Even now, in the days and nights of the uprising, the migrants pay a heavy toll - what with the attacks of far-righters and cops, with deportations and imprisonment sentences that the courts hand out with Christian love to us infidels.
These days are for the exploitation continuing unabatedly for 18 years now. They are for the struggles that are not forgotten: in the downs of Volos, the olympic works, the town of Amaliada. They are for the toil and the blood of our parents, for informal labour, for the endless shifts. They are for the deposits and the adhesive stamps, the welfare contributions we paid and will never have recognised. It is for the papers we will be chasing for the rest of our lives like a lottery ticket.
These days are for the price we have to pay simply in order to exist, to breathe. They are for all those times when we crunched our teeth, for the insults we took, the defeats we were charged with. They are for all the times when we didn’t react even when having all the reasons in the world to do so. They are for all the times when we did react and we were alone because our deaths and our rage did not fit pre-existing shapes, didn’t bring votes in, didn’t sell in the prime-time news.
These days belong to all the marginalised, the excluded, the people with the difficult names and the unknown stories. They belong to all those who die every day in the Aegean sea and Evros river, to all those murdered at the border or at a central Athens street; they belong to the Roma in Zefyri, to the drug addicts in Eksarhia. These days belong to the kids of Mesollogiou street, to the unintegrated, the uncontrollable students. Thanks to Alexis, these days belong to us all.
18 years of silent rage are too many.
To the streets, for solidarity and dignity!
We haven’t forgotten, we won’t forget - these days are yours too
Luan, Tony, Mohamed, Alexis…
Haunt of Albanian Migrants
#22, 14:42 High school students brutally attacked by the cops; another four arrestees ordered in pre-trial detention
17.36 A musician’s protest at the Propylea was encircled and tear-gassed by riot police (!) The musicians were performing a track when attacked. There are rumours that this is the first time police use tear gas from their new stock; apparently this is some sort of paralytical tear gas…
14.52 Another four of last week’s arrestees appeared before the prosecutor today, who ordered their pre-trial detention (which can, and more often than not lasts one year in Greece). This, combined with the pre-trial detention of arrestees in small cities (i.e. in Kozani and Larissa) shows the greek “justice” will be following a zero tolerance approach with anyone suspected of participating in the revolt. As the prosecutor told the arrestees in Kozani, “the police can no longer deal with you - so we will”.
14.42 The peaceful student sit-in outside the police headquarters on Aleksandras Ave is unprovokenly attacked by police with tear gas. The crowd dispersed in three groups, all of which started fighting back with stones and spontaneous small barrickades. At least two arrests - one young male student was arrested, handcuffed and then teargassed and kicked in front of us. People tried to save him from the police but it was impossible. Indymedia reports that another young female student was injured in the head by the pigs. The anti-police sentiment on the streets is simply phenomenal.
segunda-feira, 15 de dezembro de 2008
Dictan prisión preventiva para 7 de los detenidos en Madrid por solidarizarse con Grecia
Siete de los nueve detenidos (es decir salvo los menores de edad, que ayer salieron en libertad) el pasado miércoles en el marco de una protesta solidaria con la revuelta griega de estos días ingresarán en prisión.
El juzgado número 31 ha sido el que ha dictado el auto de prisión preventiva, se les acusa de lesiones, daños al mobiliario urbano, resistencia y atentado a la autoridad.
El auto judicial es de prisión preventiva sin fianza y la razón que la jueza ha dado para justificar la decisión es "la alarma social creada". Posiblemente les llevarán a Alcalá Meco o Soto del Real.
En palabras de su abogado, Servando Rocha, “el auto es totalmente injustificado ya que no hay esa alarma social sino que se trata de una decisión ejemplarizante que se recurrirá. Hemos intentado que la decisión fuera otra, como la de ir a firmar cada 15 días, pero la jueza se ha negado".
[Grécia] Update de hoje
Vai haver também uma concentração de solidariedade em frente ao tribunal pois os detidos vão começar hoje a ser ouvidos.
Mais crítica foi a situação vivida hoje de manhã no edifício da Câmara Municipal em Chalandri, Atenas. Um grupo fascista atacou o edifício com armas de fogo e obrigou os ocupantes a sair!!! Para não piorar as coisas as pessoas abandonaram o edifício, mas voltaram algumas horas depois e voltaram a ocupar!!!
Vamos ver como se desenvolve a manif em frente ao quartel general da polícia.
Up against the wall motherfuckers! We’ve come for what’s ours…
Monday, December 15, 2008
In these days of rage, spectacle as a power-relation, as a relation that imprints memory onto objects and bodies, is faced with a diffuse counter-power which deterritorialises impressions allowing them to wonder away from the tyranny of the image and into the field of the senses. Senses are always felt antagonistically (they are always acted against something) – but under the current conditions they are driven towards an increasingly acute and radical polarisation.
Against the supposedly peaceful caricatures of bourgeois media (“violence is unacceptable always, everywhere”), we can only cachinnate: their rule, the rule of gentle spirits and consent, of dialogue and harmony is nothing but a well calculated pleasure in beastliness: a promised carnage. The democratic regime in its peaceful façade doesn’t kill an Alex every day, precisely because it kills thousands of Ahmets, Fatimas, JorJes, Jin Tiaos and Benajirs: because it assassinates systematically, structurally and without remorse the entirety of the third world, that is the global proletariat. It is in this way, through this calm everyday slaughter, that the idea of freedom is born: freedom not as a supposedly panhuman good, nor as a natural right for all, but as the war cry of the damned, as the premise of civil war.
The history of the legal order and the bourgeois class brainwashes us with an image of gradual and stable progress of humanity within which violence stands as a sorry exception stemming from the economically, emotionally and culturally underdeveloped. Yet all of us who have been crushed between school desks, behind offices, in factories, know only too well that history is nothing but a succession of bestial acts installed upon a morbid system of rules. The cardinals of normality weep for the law that was violated from the bullet of the pig Korkoneas (the killer cop). But who doesn’t know that the force of the law is merely the force of the powerful? That it is law itself that allows for violence to be exercised on violence? The law is void from end to bitter end; it contains no meaning, no target other than the coded power of imposition.
At the same time, the dialectic of the left tries to codify conflict, battle and war, with the logic of the synthesis of opposites. In this way it constructs an order; a pacified condition within which everything has its proper little place. Yet, the destiny of conflict is not synthesis – as the destiny of war is not peace. Social insurrection comprises the condensation and explosion of thousands of negations, yet it does not contain even in a single one of its atoms, nor in a single one of its moments its own negation, its own end. This always comes heavy and gloomy like a certainty from the institutions of mediation and normalisation, from the left promising voting rights at 16, disarmament but preservation of the pigs, a welfare state, etc. Those, in other words, who wish to capitalise political gains upon the wounds of others. The sweetness of their compromise drips with blood.
Social anti-violence cannot be held accountable for what it does not assume: it is destructive from end to end. If the struggles of modernity have anything to teach us, it is not their sad adhesion upon the subject (class, party, group) but their systematic anti-dialectical process: the act of destruction does not necessarily ought to carry a dimension of creation. In other words, the destruction of the old world and the creation of a new comprise two discrete but continuous processes. The issue then is which methods of destruction of the given can be developed in different points and moments of the insurrection. Which methods cannot only preserve the level and the extent of the insurrection, but contribute to its qualitative upgrading. The attacks on police stations, the clashes and roadblocks, the barricades and street battles now comprise an everyday and socialised phenomenon in the metropolis and beyond. And they have contributed to a partial deregulation of the circle of production and consumption. And yet, they still comprise in a partial targeting of the enemy; direct and obvious to all, yet entrapped in one and only dimension of the attack against dominant social relations. However, the process of production and circulation of goods in itself, in other words, the capital-relation, is only indirectly hit by the mobilisations. A spectre hovers over the city torched: the indefinite wild general strike.
The global capitalist crisis has denied the bosses their most dynamic, most extorting response to the insurrection: “We offer you everything, for ever, while all they can offer is an uncertain present”. With one firm collapsing after the other, capitalism and its state are no longer in a position to offer anything other than worse days to come, tightened financial conditions, sacks, suspension of pensions, welfare cuts, crush of free education. Contrarily, in just seven days, the insurgents have proved in practice what they can do: to turn the city into a battlefield, to create enclaves of communes across the urban fabric, to abandon individuality and their pathetic security, seeking the composition of their collective power and the total destruction of this murderous system.
At this historical conjuncture of crisis, rage and the dismissal of institutions at which we finally stand, the only thing that can convert the systemic deregulation into a social revolution is the total rejection of work. When street fighting will be taking place in streets dark from the strike of the Electricity Company; when clashes will be taking place amidst tons of uncollected rubbish, when trolley-buses will be closing streets, blocking off the cops, when the striking teacher will be lighting up his revolted pupil’s molotov cocktail, then we will be finally able to say: “Ruffians, the days of your society are numbered; we weighted its joys and its justices and we found them all too short”. This, today, is no longer a mere fantasy but a concrete ability in everyone’s hand: the ability to act concretely on the concrete. The ability to charge the skies.
If all of these, namely the extension of the conflict into the sphere of production-circulation, with sabotages and wild strikes seem premature, it might just be because we haven’t quite realised how fast does power decomposes, how fast confrontational practices and counter-power forms of organising are socially diffused: from high school students pelting police stations with stones, to municipal employees and neighbours occupying town halls. The revolution does not take place with prayers towards and piety for historical conditions. It occurs by seizing whatever opportunity of insurrection in every aspect of the social; by transforming every reluctant gesture of condemnation of the cops into a definite strike to the foundations of this system.
Off the pigs!
14/12/2008 Initiative from the occupation of the Athens School of Economics and Business
domingo, 14 de dezembro de 2008
#20, 04.20: Demo through Athens’ entertainment district, tens of arrests; streetfighting around the Polytechnic lasts until the early hours; sit-in
04.20 am. A spontaneous demonstration that started off from the point of Alexandros’ assassination headed for the areas of Gazi and Psiri, i.e. Athens’ main entertainment district. On its way back to the Eksarhia area, at Omonia square, the demo was attacked and at least 25 (some claim as many as 40) people are now detained. The vast majority of those detained are underaged!
Meanwhile, there were heavy clashes between the police and demonstrators in the areas surrounding the Athens Polytechnic campus. Tens of molotovs were thrown at them and they seemed to have little space and materials with which to respond.
Earlier on in the night a peaceful gathering at Syntagma square that had been called by bloggers, was attacked by police at around 1.30am, with tear gas; their single aim being to disperse this tiny crowd of about 50.
It is very hard to keep up with the day’s events; I will mention some of Athens IMC’s article titles to give you an idea of the level of activity we are dealing with: “Banks smashed on Panormou street, Athens” | “Eksarhia residents kick out riot police from the neighborhood” | 700 high schools occupied by their students across the country | Eksarhia police station was attacked by approx. 100 people | barricades all over the Eksarhia neighbourhood on the night marking one week since the assassination of Alexandros.
More detailed descriptions of tonight’s events and the (much promised) summary of thoughts on what has happened so far, tomorrow.
20 de Dezembro- Dia Internacional de Acção- Apelo das Universidades Ocupadas de Atenas
“We don’t forget, we don’t forgive” - day of international action against state murders, 20.12.2008
Hoje (6ª-feira), a assembleia do Politécnico Ocupado de Atenas decidiu fazer uma chamada a acções de resistência, a nível europeu e mundial, em memória de todos os jovens assassinados, imigrantes e todos aqueles que estavam a lutar contra os servos do estado. Carlo Juliani; A juventude dos subúrbios franceses; Alexandros Grigoropoulos e os inúmeros outros, em todo o mundo. As nossas vidas não pertencem aos Estados nem aos seus assassinos! A memória dos irmãos e irmãs, amigos e companheiros assassinados mantém-se viva através das nossas lutas! Não nos esquecemos dos nossos irmãos e irmãs, nós não perdoamos os seus assassinos. Por favor traduzam e espalhem esta mensagem por um dia comum de acções coordenadas de resistência, no maior número de sítios possível.
A vergonha da comunicação social grega

No dia 9 de Dezembro um fotógrafo pediu para a publicação duma imagem que mostra um oficial de polícia apontando a sua pistola para a multidão, uma provocação que decurreu um dia apos o homicídio do adolescente que levou as multidões à protesta em todo o país. Inicialmente o jornal “Eleftheros Typos” – que ironicamente em grego significa “Imprensa Livre” – publicou a foto numa página interior. Mas o fotógrafo não guardara a determinação e o dia seguinte, possivelmente depois da gerência ter recebido queixas importantes por personalidades de alto grau, perdeu seu emprego.
Mais informações aqui: http://shortstorymadelong.wordpress.com/2008/12/09/the-shame-of-greek-media-these-days
Exarchia LX
Mensagem distribuída durante a concentração de dia 13 em frente à embaixada grega
Nos últimos dias talvez tenham visto notícias sobre os protestos em Atenas e noutras cidades gregas, que foram despoletadas pelo assassínio de um rapaz de 15 anos por um polícia.
Tenho quase a certeza que a maioria de vocês, e consigo perceber que assim seja, não se interessa assim tanto sobre os problemas sociais da Grécia.
Mas, por outro lado, tenho quase a certeza que se interessam, sim, pela qualidade das notícias que recebem do resto do mundo.
E, se esta qualidade estiver reflectida na recente “análise” da situação pelos meios de comunicação social internacional, como Malcolm Brabant da BBC (http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/europe/7771628.stm) ou John Carr no Times, então lamento mas a qualidade é frustrantemente baixa.
Ao ler estas notícias, podíamos ficar com a ideia de que os recentes acontecimentos na Grécia têm como base uma vaga tendência “histórica” dos gregos de se rebelarem contra a autoridade – como se os manifestantes furiosos e os cocktais Molotov atirados às esquadrsas nas últimas noites estivessem de alguma maneira directamente relacionados com a cultura de guerra dos Espartanos ou até, segundo a opinião fundamentada de John Carr, com as guerras dos Troianos.
Mas, para além da Terra dos Esteriótipos existe também um lugar chamado mundo real.
E, neste mundo, a polícia grega pode ser ilibada de tudo, incluindo, literalmente, assassínio. Uma e outra vez. Eles podem espancar imigrantes em estações de polícia, sem que ninguém seja acusado ou detido. Eles são autorizados, aliás encorajados, a nutrir uma atitude baseada na força e na violência para e com os cidadões.
Neste mundo, os gregos sofrem ironicamente de uma elite política e económica corrupta, que, nos últimos anos, esteve constantemente ligada a escândalos de dinheiro público e até terra pública; elite esta que, no entanto, se recusa, sem vergonha, a sequer pedir desculpa, muito menos a aceitar reformas.
Neste mundo, quase todos os gregos com menos de 25 anos sabem que pertencem ao que é chamado por todo o lado como “a geração 700 euros”, a primeira geração depois da segunda guerra mundial que cresce com a certeza que vai viver uma situação pior que a dos seus pais. Uma geração com poucas perspectivas de um futuro melhor e ainda menos esperança nesse futuro.
É neste mundo – e não no mundo dos comentadores com inclinações arqueológicas – que uma única bala pode incendiar uma raiva que tinha vindo a crescer num ritmo constante nos últimos anos; e, numa nota positiva mas cautelosa, a incendiar também uma alma pública, de que tanto se precisa, à procura de um país.
Claro está, não faz sentido pedir-vos que façam alguma coisa por isto. Mas faz sentido pedir-vos que façam alguma coisa.
A próxima vez que lerem sobre “protestos sem sentido” noutro país, por favor, parem por um segundo a pensar no que o olho jornalístico é incapaz de ver.
E, por favor, lembrem-se que as pessoas não queimam as suas próprias cidades só porque têm mau humor nacional.
Obrigado pela vossa atenção e bom ano novo.
sábado, 13 de dezembro de 2008
The police are nowhere to be seen
Saturday, December 13, 2008
21:31 Around 300 anarchists attack the offices of the Ministry of Planning and Public Works in solidarity with the struggle of the people of the village of Leukimi in Corfu (a local woman was assassinated by the police there in the summer). Two banks are also smashed and burnt. High street shops are smashed. The police are nowhere to be seen.
Thousands of people have gathered at the point of death of Alexandros (at the corner of Messologiou and Tzavella Street in Eksarhia) and a demonstration is about to begin.
More to follow.
The longest week of our lives
Last night, I met a friend of Alexandros’ who was sitting close to him when he was assassinated. Standing there silently, listening to him describe the moments of the assassination (for the n-th time I imagine) I couldn’t help but think: How many years did this kid grow over these seven days? Listening to him explain exactly how the cop is now attempting to cover up the story, how the ricocheting scenario can’t possibly stand… Seeing him argue how we need to change our tactics to take our struggle forward. Joking with us about the incapacity of the indymedia servers to hold the incoming traffic in the first days of the revolt. How many years did he grow? I can’t help but think; they took 15 years from Alexandros, but years and years of life were transplanted into all of us who are here now. In these days of revolt, normalilty and normal time have been suspended - finally giving us ample time in which to live and grow. For this reason, as for a million others, there is simply no way back now: time can’t move backward, what we have lived cannot be unlived. “Remember this”, I heard the old man telling his grandson at the spontaneous mural for Alexandros at the spot of his assasination. “Remember that it is always authority killing the people, it is always the powerful who kill the powerless”. The kid will never forget this week, none of us will. This is the longest week of our lives.
Saturday, 5 pm. Four hours before a full week from the assassination. We are preparing to take the streets again. This night, too, is your night Alexandros.
Carta aos pais
[ I'm speechless. Could we possibly be bringing up a generation with such potential? ]
I know that I owe you a lot. You gave birth to me, you gave me water, you fed me, you brought me up. You even loved me. That's what you say at least. Because things are slightly different.
You got me here, in a world where you were forced to abandon me every day & run to jobs. You got me here & then started looking for a place you park me in. You kept taking me to school &, because this was not enough, you kept sending me to a bunch of private tutors & lessons, plus you planted in me stress about my precarious future. Since my future was supposed to be so precarious, since you even made this planet dangerous, why did you get me here? What's my life? Those two hours of TV & video games every day?
I want to see the world, to spread my wings & fly & see everything in a single moment. I want to get out, to meet those others, to play, to entertain myself, to feel joy & not to care about the fact that tomorrow I'll be going to school without having studied. I want to dream a world where people won't be looking for a place to park me, where they won't be always having work to do, where it won't be dangerous to meet other people, where future won't be scaring me, where there'll be no masters & no slaves.
I watch your misery but I'm not used to it & I don't want to get used to it either. I won't bow my head just because you did. I don't want to become anyone's slave or master, I want to be left alone.
Those uniformed hound dogs don't scare me, I'm not afraid of them. You see in them a certain order & security. I'm the one to be taken for a ride, because I see perfectly well that this order is hypocrisy, & as for security, it's themselves that form the gravest danger.
They're the symbols of authority. Yours, that of the teachers', of the politicians, of the grown-ups that live this way. You learned how to live like this, I haven't. If they want to mess with me, so much the worse for them. They're hopeless & let this be imprinted in their minds. I'm outraged & dangerous. & there are many of us, girls & boys, we're everywhere, even within the murderers' homes. They cannot hide from us, no matter where they stand. In one way or another, we'll remain standing, they won't.
Don't be mad at me, I'm doing what you taught me to do. You told me that revolt is chaos & destruction. Now that I'm revolting, you'll receive chaos & destruction.
I love you. In my own way, but I do.
But I have to make my own world so that I live my own free life, & to do this I have to take down your own world. This is what;s most important to me. To phrase it in your own language: this is my job.
sexta-feira, 12 de dezembro de 2008
We are here/ we are everywhere/ we are an image from the future
Friday, December 12, 2008
If I do not burn
If you do not burn
If we do not burn
How will darkness come to light?
(Nazim Hikmet, “Like Kerem”)
Clenching fear in their teeth the dogs howl: Return to normality – the fools’ feast is over. The philologists of assimilation have already started digging up their cut-sharp caresses: “We are ready to forget, to understand, to exchange the promiscuity of these few days, but now behave or we shall bring over our sociologists, our anthropologists, our psychiatrists! Like good fathers we have tolerated with restraint your emotional eruption – now look at how desks, offices and shop windows gape empty! The time has come for a return, and whoever refuses this holy duty shall be hit hard, shall be sociologised, shall be psychiatrised. An injunction hovers over the city: “Are you at your post?” Democracy, social harmony, national unity and all the other big hearths stinking of death have already stretched out their morbid arms.
Power (from the government to the family) aims not simply to repress the insurrection and its generalisation, but to produce a relation of subjectivation. A relation that defines bios, that is political life, as a sphere of cooperation, compromise and consensus. “Politics is the politics of consensus; the rest is gang-war, riots, chaos”. This is a true translation of what they are telling us, of their effort to deny the living core of every action, and to separate and isolate us from what we can do: not to unite the two into one, but to rupture again and again the one into two. The mandarins of harmony, the barons of peace and quiet, law and order, call on us to become dialectic. But those tricks are desperately old, and their misery is transparent in the fat bellies of the trade-union bosses, in the washed-out eyes of the intermediaries, who like vultures perch over every negation, over every passion for the real. We have seen them in May, we have seen them in LA and Brixton, and we have been watching them over decades licking the long now white bones of the 1973 Polytechnic. We saw them again yesterday when instead of calling for a permanent general strike, they bowed to legality and called off the strike protest march. Because they know all too well that the road to the generalisation of the insurrection is through the field of production – through the occupation of the means of production of this world that crushes us.
Tomorrow dawns a day when nothing is certain. And what could be more liberating than this after so many long years of certainty? A bullet was able to interrupt the brutal sequence all those identical days. The assassination of a 15 year old boy was the moment when a displacement took place strong enough to bring the world upside down. A displacement from the seeing through of yet another day, to the point that so many think simultaneously: “That was it, not one step further, all must change and we will change it”. The revenge for the death of Alex, has become the revenge for every day that we are forced to wake up in this world. And what seemed so hard proved to be so simple.
This is what has happened, what we have. If something scares us is the return to normality. For in the destroyed and pillaged streets of our cities of light we see not only the obvious results of our rage, but the possibility of starting to live. We have no longer anything to do than to install ourselves in this possibility transforming it into a living experience: by grounding on the field of everyday life, our creativity, our power to materialise our desires, our power not to contemplate but to construct the real. This is our vital space. All the rest is death.
Those who want to understand will understand. Now is the time to break the invisible cells that chain each and everyone to his or her pathetic little life. And this does not require solely or necessarily one to attack police stations and torch malls and banks. The time that one deserts his or her couch and the passive contemplation of his or her own life and takes to the streets to talk and to listen, leaving behind anything private, involves in the field of social relations the destabilising force of a nuclear bomb. And this is precisely because the (till now) fixation of everyone on his or her microcosm is tied to the traction forces of the atom. Those forces that make the (capitalist) world turn. This is the dilemma: with the insurgents or alone. And this is one of the really few times that a dilemma can be at the same time so absolute and real.
11/12/2008 Initiative from the occupation of the Athens School of Economics and Business
[Grécia] Vídeos
Governo regional de Jania (Creta)
Imagens do Mega Channel, Atenas
Iráklio (Creta)
Imagens do Ert3, norte da grecia
Declaração de um grupo dos suburbios de Atenas!! "What we want"
Panos | 12.12.2008 10:46
After a stormy assembly in a stormy weather and with spirits electrified from the buzz of the last days,we, comrades from the western suburbs, came up with the following text-declaration. The universality of the internet and the global interest gave us the audacity to make this statement Universal!
We find ourselves in the sixth to seventh day of the revolt and we sense that it ALL starts now. The events not only seem to not be defusing but on the contrary, they seem to be escalated non stop.
Who are behind the revolt?
Whose actions, deeds and movements keep and grow its flame?
The anarchists ?
The students ?
The immigrants ?
The unemployed and the humiliated?
The youths from the rich Northern and Southern suburbs?
The gypsies?
The hooligans?
The workers?
To all of them and many more belong the actions that shape the unstoppable lava that was awaken when the unthinkable murder of Alexis that shook all of Greece took place on Saturday night
All of us together with our differences we write history and we shake the whole planet. This revolt, not only will not stop but is intended to spread across Europe and the whole world. In this framework, we can comprehend the panic of the State. But nothing can forgive or justify or make bearable the incredible, unmatched orgy of violence that it continuously sets off. How much rather when this violence is not recorded or when it is unbearably distorted from the media. Our comrades have suffered unjustified beatings, pupils are beaten mercilessly, fascists make use of their weapons, secret cops act out of control, immigrants have their lives threatened but for the media there is only burned shops and "criminal" looting. Unlucky for them what is left is old aged housewives and the rest of little scared men like the finished fascist followers. Our rage for all them has no limit and from now on they should be careful. The rebellion turns the impossible to possible.It is the dream that wakes up when the never ending nightmare before ends. Because comrades, what we lived in the Western suburbs, Athens, the whole world, was a nightmare. In an ugly city to spit every day on our misery,to kill our imagination, to be scared of our neighbor, to remain helpless in our incapability being bombarded by made up advertisements that make us believe that we are worth for what we have and not who we are.
Alexis, we are ashamed of you because it took your blood us to wake us up from the nightmare and live the dream of life. But if we are ashamed of you, the others should be fearing you with a fear that paralyzes their guts. First of all the cops that dress up like revolting people to abduct pupils and take them to the dungeons of central offices. NO MERCY FOR THEM.THEY CAN'T HIDE FROM US. Their punishment is coming and no State can save them. You are the ones that spread the worst catastrophism,the vile deafeatism, the insane fear and all that just to save your skin. You will not save it. But it is not only you that do all the above. ALL the parliamentary parties live in distress and are dying to diffuse the revolt. The lower-middle class people that cannot think of their life without their little shop. Dehydrated existences that only live for their money income, they also have their fears of existence. They don't have to fear us that much. Apart from those who actively and openly help the murdering State, the rest will be left to their unbearable misery. And well done to those of them that went further than them selves and took part in the events on the right side. As much as it is suppressed, they are not few. But we wrote enough for the lower-middle class.
History is written now from other powers and those powers will strengthen their presence overwhelmingly in the next days. After six days of colossal battles,fatally TODAY is the start of the second round with new heights and landmarks to reach. TODAY at 12 o'clock at Propulaia is the rendezvous with history. The pupils that have suffered the worst kind of police brutality will be there, the students of the 2006-7 revolts will be there, the unemployed that fight against depression and humiliation will be there, the workers who lately look at their boss with a different eye will be there, the immigrants who for years know what dictatorship means will be there, we ,from the Western suburbs who for years are torn by the most ridiculous regionalisms, will be there. WE WILL ALL BE THERE.
We are accused that our rebellion is inarticulate, blind, reactive. That we don't know what want and what we don't want, yet. That we are thieves and destroyers. Well then, we know what we want and we we don't want. We don't want cops paid to terrorize teenagers. We don't want chemical war that blocks our lungs and blinds our eyes.We don't want riot police, bodyguards,pimps,parasites,bouncers,professions of violence and force. We don't want polluted air, and burned forests, concrete that kills the earth. We don't want prisons that annihilate the individual, absurd laws about cannabis, cameras that supervise life in order to protect inanimate property. In this draft of manifesto for life after the revolt we ask and shall impose
1) Liberation of the wider center of Athens from cars. City for pedestrians, bikes and children
2) Transformation of the destroyed banks to asylums for the poor,libraries and free internet points as well as coffee shops as in Amsterdam.
3) Transformation of police departments into kitchens that would offer natural food, free of charge to whoever asks and is in need of.
4) Copyleft all intellectual,informative material as well as free 1gbps internet with modern optic fibers.
5) Stop the use of oil and natural gas and replace them with high tech solar energy beehives and other completely recyclable energy sources.
6) Assaults to all the covered from the police whore houses and release of the forced prostitutes. Positive recognition of the feminine sexuality as a right that will be practiced by choice. no mercy to rapists and pedophiles. no humiliation to those who enjoy their sexuality in different way provided that they do not do it by using force
7)Assaults in prisons and release of everyone unless they have been proven to be related with crimes of pederasty,rape,racism and white slavery.
8)Priority to children and their needs for play, love, tenderness and joy
9)Free infrastructure; educational and medicinal with simultaneous restriction of arbitrariness and power of those working there. Responsible,open,friendly relationships between doctor-patient and pupil-teacher.
10) Free transportation and encouragement of the use of bikes in the city, while expanding trains across the country
These are roughly what we want and will achieve. Maybe some others equally essential are absent but those mentioned are not a few nor negligible. We know that our movement not only has acquired world interest but it has taken to inspire a global revolt. As we drew upon the 10 rough points of "what we want" it was under serious consideration. At the same time when the tear gases of power according to many sources are going down in numbers we declare our solidarity to the Palestinians that loose their Alexis' every day and we condemn the Israeli government that is prepared to send new loads of tear gas to the Greek government. However we are not antisemitic and we accept the solidarity of any Israeli who wants to give it and has not had his hands blooded from from the Alexis' of the Palestinians, we accept him with the same joy as everyone. It is fatal in the era of internet this rebellion to shine across the globe. To shout out loud that the blood of a 15 year old cannot be exchanged with all the money in the world. To show the value and the meaning of life over money and stock markets and banks now that the monetary system is crashing. To reveal that the State is cruel and murderous.To reveal the void and distorted emptiness of an unlivable life.Comrades of the world, pass the message and follow us. We, from the Western suburbs, will be on the streets of Athens today, to light the flame of the revolution and no storm can stop us.
Grupo de de trabalhadores e residentes que ocuparam a camara municipal de Agios Dimitrios, cidade nos arredores de Atenas!
Na noite de Sabado, a policia Grega assassinou um jovem de 15 anos.
O seu assassinato foi "a palha que destroçou as costas do camelo".
Foi a continuação de uma accção coordenada, pelo terrorismo de estado e a MAdrugada Dourada (neo-nazis), que aponta aos universitarios e aos alunos do liceu (com as universidades privadas a serem favorecidas), aos imigrantes que continuam a ser perseguidos por terem nascido com a cor errada, aos trabalhadores, que devem trabalhar até à morte sem compensação.
O governo que oculta os seus predadores, depois de queimar as florestas no verão passado, é agora responsavel por estarem a arder tambem todas as grandes cidades. Protegeu criminosos financeiros, todos os involvidos no escandalo das intercepções aos telemoveis, os que saquearam os fundos dos seguros dos trabalhadores, aqueles que raptam imigrantes e os que protegem os bancos e os mosteiros que roubam o povo.
Estamos numa GUERRA CIVIL: Com os fascistas, os banqueiros, o estado e os media que desejam uma sociedade obediente.
Não existem desculpas, e no entanto eles tentam mais uma vez usar teorias da conspiração para acalmar os espiritos.
A raiva que se acumulou tinha que ser expressa e não deve, de nenhuma maneira, acabar.
Por todo o Mundo somos noticia de destaque, ja era tempo que em todo o lado as pessoas se revoltassem.
A geração dos pobres, dos desempregados, dos precarios, dos sem abrigo, dos migrantes, da juventude, é a geração que ira partir qualquer vidro de montra até que cidadãos obedientes acordem do seu efemero sonho Americano.
Não vejam as noticias, a consciencia nasce nas ruas
Quando a juventude é assassinada, os mais velhos não devem dormir
Adeus Alexandros, que o teu sangue seja o ultimo que corre de um inocente
Resumo do dia de ontem em Patras e Atenas
Em Atenas, 25 esquadras da policia estiveram cercadas por estudantes do liceu, sendo que numa delas, Petroupoli, o cerco durou 7 (!!) horas e a sua fachada foi completamente incendiada. 3 estudantes e depois mais 2 foram detidos mas logo libertados depois dos apelos da multidão.
De manha um grupo anarquista conseguiu ocupar uma radio, Flash FM, tendo conseguido divulgar mensagens durante meia hora.
Notícias de hoje na Grécia
Mas a qualquer momento (esta notícia saiu as 12:17 de hoje) vai ser mostrada uma faixa gigante na Faculdade de Economia que diz “Cougias go ricochet yourself". Cougias é o nome do advogado de defesa do assassino...
quinta-feira, 11 de dezembro de 2008
Update - Patra reacts!
[ Translated from here: http://athens.indymedia.org/front.php3? ... _id=941270 ]
Over 5,000 people demonstrated today in the city center of Patras, an unprecedented magnitude for this city.
The provocation of cops & neonazis worked as a boomerang against them, as the people realized the role played by... "infuriated [citizens; the name traditionally assigned to the puppets of the greek shadow state by mass media & the state itself]" & flooded the streets.
Let it be remarked that a municipality cop [one part "neighborhood cop," one part "traffic cop," & one part common snitch] was lynched today in the city center. [Indeed: http://patras.indymedia.org/front.php3? ... le_id=3029 reports that the cop was beaten by peddlers who were trying to sell their produce in the market, apparently without a license.]
At this moment [21:00 local time], there's a large demonstration going on in Patras, despite the terror crusade unleashed by local [TV] channels. Riot Squad forces have sealed off all side streets. Concurrently, SYRIZA [Coalition of the Radical Left; been given about 15% by recent gallops on the citizens' voting intention] organizes a gathering in Georgiou square with [former party leader Alekos] Alavanos. In the morning, the commerce chamber denied that anything was damaged - in fact, the sole merchant that talked on TV said that his storefront was smashed up by cops during the stone exchange with the demonstrators.
Homepage: http://tapesgoneloose.blogspot.com
Athens, Greece update 11/12 Insurrection is alive...
(slogan in an Athens wall)
Update 11/12
Today 22 police stations attacked by students mainly all across Athens.
Big Demo in the center some Anarchists, mostly leftist and other people from the city. Many anti-cop slogans, slogans against authority in general, against the lawyer of the cop, a well known bastard that helps drug dealers and big mafia...
The city center does not really work. Most of the shops are burned or destroyed. In riots also traffic lights were destroyed and that s to say really great because it is your decision when you walk and when the cars go...It is so beautiful to see the city center burned down...
In Patission street two universities still occupied. The polytechnic university, a symbol of social fights in Greece, cannot be really controlled by the people there. Highschool kids, or (even younger age 10 years old!) come there to fight with police. Also many immigrants! Some junkies and hooligans join also....It is fun because some really young kids age 9 -10 ,come in the occupied universities and tell the people. “ Hey mister, please teach us how to make a molotov-cocktail...” Also there are hardcore riots
with the police and in the gardens of the university girls and boys kiss and pet each other...
The streets around are burned. Athens' silicon valley, Stournari street with many shops with computers and electronic equipment is totally destroyed, looted. Some computers were looted , most were burned and destroyed. “Plaisio” a big computer store with three floors is burned completely.
Anarchists, autonomists mainly gather in the Athens university of Economics, which is some blocks away...There is a place of conversations, food (it's fun because when the food is over we go to the Supermarkets near, loot , give some to the people who are in the street and the rest we use in the university. There also exists a media center,( a blogspo is created) a radio station is in progress, and a big room to print leaflets and brochures.
The law school is also occupied by leftists, which become a bit more radical (as radical as a leftist can become)...
Exarcheia, the district were the murder happened, is still barricated. There is a big burned car in the middle of Mpenaki street in the entrance of the district.
In the roads down from the occupations on the night some times it is dangerous because nazis and policemen work together and try to prevent immigrants from attacking and looting...
The next days would so how things will go.We expect occupations of schools and universities. The workers are not on strike, syndicates and the communist party sabotage us a lot...Damn, after so many years it is still the same...And you know you have to sabotage production to destroy capitalism...
Many people are arrested and the government wants to make use of the anti-terror laws, like in France for the Tarnac 9. I think now everybody can see for whom these laws are made for. The enemy within...
We can say that some parts of the center have a certain autonomy...and for sure the police will not go in...
Comrades in all the world, if you want to express your solidarity, which we need a lot
keep on the fights in your countries and make them stronger.
They are really afraid for us, believe us you can not imagine, here now we can see it clearly.
Resurrection, like we read in the books really exists, we can assure you , we live it... It is Beautiful!
In one night “reality”, “normality” died...
It will happen to your countries soon.
Make plans
Be ready
Athens Comrades
As ruas são do povo!!!
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Athens 2-3,000 took the streets responding to the callout of the Law school occupation for a demonstration. The cops seemed very passive, for once. There are rumours that they are running out of tear gas, which is why they had to play passive today. A large part of the demonstrators passing in front of the police lines spat at them, throwing them stones, paint.
Patras at least 5-6,000 people took the streets for the demonstration called by the university occupation and in response to the recent coordinated police &fascist attacks. Eyewitness says: “one of the most beautiful demonstrations I’ve ever been to. The atmosphere was simply amazing, an unprecedented amount of people on the streets… The riot police are still on the street, together with the horders of their undercovers, but the demonstrators made them look so much weaker today”.
Thessaloniki Eyewitness account: “The demonstration, called by the occupation of the Theatre School of Thessaloniki, started off with around 500 people. High school students kept joining in, though, and we ended up with 1,500-2,000 people marching through the working class suburbs of the city. The cops tried to provoke us but it was impossible. The most amazing thing about today’s demo was that the meet-up between the anarchists and the high school students that we were all hoping for, did happen”.
Komotini Reports are coming in on Athens IMC that the besieged students have managed to leave. The students who were from the neighbouring city of Xanthi are on the way back; local students left the campus. The fascists, undercovers etc following the demonstration with crowbards and knives, attacked and besieged the students with no excuse whatsoever.